Human Of Memphis

Jacob Grissom

“My views on the police are that everyone deserves to be treated equally no one can be treated differently than the rest based off skin color or wealth it’s not fair. For the most part, there are police officers out there that do there job but there are some taking advantage of their power and position. Every police officer should know the difference between right and wrong, whose bad and whose not. It’s simply, but some make it very hard and complex.”- Jacob Grissom

Sheldon Brown

“My stands on the police are very common because I’ve been in situations where my skin tone has played a very big factor in my encounters with the police. The police are here to protect and make sure everyone is treated equal rather than just letting some be able to do things that other simply cannot do. We have to make our police system stronger as a whole simply because we need to be protected, all races not just one race. That’s not right…At all.” -Sheldon Brown

Brooke Robble

“My perception of the police is very crazy because I’ve had good situation with the police and I’ve had very bad situations with the police. I don’t understand why some police officers think it’s okay to treat one like they’re just a negative to this earth when they’ve just went over the speeding limit by two MPH. Some men and women in blue do the right thing and treat every indivual with respect but there are that other side of police that are ready and willing to be evil.”- Brooke Robble

Josue Sales

“My experiences with the police have been very weird honestly because sometimes my skin color has almost gotten me in bad places and that’s simply wrong. I respect the police and what they do but there is no way treating people of the opposite skin tone differently when they haven’t even broken the law and to murder them it’s crazy and out of control. When I seen my peers be treated the way they were it was crazy to be around and see with my own eyes but that how the system is and it’s not right.”

Clentis Jennings

“The police have always been odd to me because of the things I’ve seen my friends go through with them everyday. How they respond to certain calls, when they beat another person when that person is clearly on the ground surrendering. It’s insane to see and their needs to be a change immediately. Once that change happens the world will become better people would be alive rather than dying or ending up severely injured.” -Clentis Jennings

Arthur Maulet

“The police make it hard for us to have peace sometimes because with their actions it divides us into two and it shouldn’t be that way. With the US being as crazy as it is now, you would think the police would try to make sure everyone would be treated the same regardless of political views or class but it’s kind of the complete opposite. When that flips and becomes the other way around the world will definitely be a better place.” – Arthur Maulet

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